front gates and blue sky

End of Life Decisions  Information PDF>>>

Pro-life Parish life Newsletter March 2025>>>

Pro-life parish newsletter April 2024>>>

“Assisted dying row as patients given six months to live often survive for three years”>>>

St Peter’s Pro-life Support Group

The 3rd Wednesday of each month is the day when St Peter’s Pro-life Support Group invite you to pray for the respect of life and human dignity Please come along to the Mas at 6pm.  We also send out prayer requests. We pray for people who are having doubt over their pregnancies. If you would like to be part of this group, please send your email address to [email protected]

Silent Prayer in Scotland – April 2024

The Bill to ban silent prayer will be debated in the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday, 30 th  April.  There will be vote on the general principles of the Bill which, if successful goes on for more detailed scrutiny.

It’s really important to write to you MSPs now.   Public opinion does not support this Bill but MSPs need to hear this from us – the genuine public.

The easiest way to quickly write to all your MSPs is to use SPUC’s tool

Download advice for writing to your MSP Silent Prayer in Scotland>>>


Do you know anyone who may need help during pregnancy? SHE Pregnancy Care gives support and confidence to expectant mothers. Baby materials & equipment are available.

Text / WhatsApp: 0752 648 0578 or email: [email protected]

Our Friends at 40 Days for Life has start a new prayer vigil at Edinburgh’s Chalmer’s clinic.

 The need for prayer and offers of help is as great as ever.  Last week, the UK passed 10 million abortions since 1967 and Edinburgh’s Chalmers clinic organises 2,000 of these, each year.   Poverty is a big factor; women from deprived areas have abortion rates double those from wealthy parts.  This situation is more pronounced in the East of Scotland.

 Do consider giving some time in prayer for unborn children, their mothers and NHS staff.  Many blessings come from this time.  These are the slots so far:

 ·       Mondays 11-1 and 2-4

·        Tuesdays 11-2

·        Wednesdays 3-5

·        Thursdays 11-12 and 1-2

·        Fridays 10.00-11.30 and 1-3

 At 40 Days you meet the best people in the whole pro-life movement.  If you can come along at any of these times, contact Mairi who is organising this vigil: [email protected]   Even if you can only the one visit, Mairi and the team would love to see you, just let them know.

Did you know…?

Did you know that there are only 59 countries that allow abortion on demand in the world (the world has 195 countries)?

It is one of only seven that allow it after 20 weeks.

Many European countries have a limit on abortion on demand of 12 or 14 weeks. Only two countries United Kingdom and the Netherlands allow it until 24 weeks.

In the United States the Supreme Court lowered the time limit to 23 weeks from 26 week in 1992.

Information based on The Economist’s articles of 16/April/2022: What happens after Roe

and 21/May/2022 Outrage and outliers

Summary Articles

Pro-life Summary March 2022. SD (docx)

Please read along this article from the British Medical Journal about a new concept of abortion:
After-birth abortion, why  should the baby live?

After-birth abortion, why  should the baby live?

Giubilini A, et al. J Med Ethics 2013;39:261–263