Donate on line
Finance Council
Finance Council Update
Dec 2021 (PDF)
There was a very small increase in the Offertory collection this year but of course the cost of running and maintaining the Church have gone up considerably.
Therefore you are encouraged to seriously consider giving your offering by Standing Order.
The parish bank details are:
A/C Name: A/C Name: Archdiocese of St Andrew’s and Edinburgh
St Peter’s Parish
If you have problems setting this up with your bank – this below seems to work better:
Sort Code 83-06-08 A/C No 10402428
You can arrange a Standing Order online or in your branch.
- Please contact Anne-Marie Douglas (445 4337) if you require advice or help.
Gift Aid Scheme
The Gift Aid Scheme is an important source of revenue for the Parish. If you pay Income Tax and are willing to use envelopes or give by standing order or direct debit, we can claim back tax on your donations.
Contact: Andrew Thackrey 447 3232