Open door

The Open Door is a registered charity for ecumenical outreach. It offers support and companionship for older people and those with special needs in the local comA comprehensive insight into the Open Door is available at their website –


Can you volunteer on one of  these Mondays?  Can you donate some home baking?  Please contact Simon on 0131 447 9757 or [email protected]

Are you a charity or community group looking for space in Morningside? 
The Open Door Edinburgh ground floor former cafe space is available. They are seeking expressions of interest from charities and community groups, especially  a charity that would like to run a joint venture charity shop. 
Email: [email protected] or phone  0131 447 9757 to speak to Simon or Lynnette.
420 Morningside Road.

Read this to find out more:
The Open Door information Dec 24 


Contact: Deacon John Smith 
St Peter’s Church representative on Board of Trustees.

Open Door volunteer role(PDF)
