The parish team of Eucharistic Ministers was suspended during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic.. As restrictions were lifted, only the Host was distributed to communicants. In October 2023, it was decided that the Sacrament should again be distributed in both forms, and a new team of 12 Eucharistic Ministers has now been appointed to support Canon Kenneth and Deacon John at Sunday Masses and certain other occasions. Normally, the Host will be distributed by the Celebrant and the Deacon, with two lay Eucharistic Ministers offering the Chalice.
The Celebrant or Deacon may go to communicants who have remained in the pews because of age or infirmity. Eucharistic Ministers do not take the chalice to those communicants unless there has been a specific request to do so,
Contact: Caroline Moffat 0131 441 4930 or John Wastle 0131 447 3442
Eucharistic Ministers – volunteer role 2025(PDF)