
Fourth Sunday of Lent_30 March 2025_PDF

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A series of four Zoom meetings hosted by Canon Kenneth ON HOPE
7pm Thursdays starting 13 March.

Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 791 3806 0566  Passcode: 6XYFU4

Simnel Cakes and Marmalade

A light fruit cake, stuffed and topped with marzipan, the “Simnel Cake” has traditionally been eaten at Eastertide since the 13th Century.

Servants from the Big House used to be allowed to visit their mothers on Laetare Sunday (Mother’s Day), bringing luxury ingredients (sugar, butter, eggs, fine flour [simila], almonds and dried fruits) which would not have been eaten during Lent. The resulting cake was an ideal treat for Easter. 

Another seasonal goody, is new season’s marmalade, traditionally only made from the bitter oranges of Seville, which come briefly into season each February.

Home-made marmalade, and home-baked Simnel Cakes, will be on sale after Mass on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th April , with all proceeds going to our SCIAF Parish Project.

Justice & Peace Mass – Wed 2 April

Our annual Mass, hosted by the Caritas, Justice & Peace Commission, takes place at St Margaret’s Church, Dunfermline at 7:00pm on Wednesday 2 April. 
We welcome Fr Tom Magill of Motherwell Diocese who will preach

Laudato Si’ anniversary meeting – Thur 3 April

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Holy Father’s encyclical Laudato Si’, a Zoom meeting will be held at 7:00pm on Thursday 3 April to share plans for the year. Organised by the Care of Creation Office of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland and the Laudato Si Movement.


Concerns about Assisted Suicide – Fri 4 April

A meeting on the Assisted Dying Bill to highlight concerns and action required will take place at Ss Ninian & Triduna Church, 232 Marionville Road, Edinburgh, EH7 6BE, on Friday 4 April at 7:30pm. Organised by the Alliance of Concern. All welcome.

Soprano Recital – Sunday 6 April

Soprano Emily Zehetmayr will perform a solo recital at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh, on Sunday 6 April at 1:30pm. Entry is free with optional retiring donation for the Schola Cantorum’s trip to Rome for the Diaconate ordinations.

Young Adults talk – Tue 8 April

Archbishop Leo Cushley will discuss Phillipians 2: 6-11 at the Young Adults talk at St Mary’s Cathedral (63 York Place) at 7:00pm on Tuesday 8 April. No registration required. Further info: [email protected]

Palm Sunday Youth Event – Sat 12 April

A day of games and inspiring talks at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, on Saturday 12 April from 11am-3pm. Includes sessions for primary school pupils (8+) and sessions for high school pupils. If you have any queries please email [email protected] 


The Open door is looking to run Volunteer-led Coffee and Cake Wednesdays starting
9 April 11.30 – 14.00 to raise funds to help towards the rising cost of transport to and from the Day Care Services. Volunteers needed. If you like making people feel welcome, love conversation over coffee and cake, can help set up, serve, clear up or bake and would like to help, please get in touch: email: [email protected] or call 0131-447-9757.

See poster at back of Church for more details. 

Appealing for trainers and clothing (including socks, underwear) for young men aged 18—36years. Please leave at back of Church at St. Peter and St. Columba’s.

Holy Week for Young Adults – Sat 12 April

Young adults can prepare for Holy Week and Easter on Saturday 12 April at St Margaret’s Chapel at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB from 11:30am-3:00pm. There will be talks from speakers including Fr David Stewart SJ. Event concludes with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley. Register by email: [email protected]

Chrism Mass – Tue 15 April

The Chrism Mass is when the holy oils are blessed and the Sacred Chrism is consecrated. It is celebrated on Tuesday of Holy Week (15 April, 7:00pm) at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh, with Archbishop Cushley. Clergy will join him to renew their priestly vows.

Confession times in the Archdiocese

Archbishop Cushley encourages you to go to Confession in Lent as part of the spiritual preparation for Easter. Click the button below for a list of Confession times for churches in the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh.

Ukrainian icons exhibition at Cathedral

The exhibition runs until Sunday 6 April. 

A charity art exhibition of icons hand-painted onto ammunition boxes is on display at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh.



 Rosary in a year podcast

From the makers of the Bible in a year and the Catechism in a year comes the Rosary in a year.

In Ascension’s Rosary in a Year podcast, Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR, guides listeners in a step-by-step journey that will change the way you pray – no matter where you are in your spiritual life. By starting small and adding on over time, listeners will find themselves falling more in love with this powerful Marian devotion, becoming a source of grace for the whole world. Listen to discover on your podcast provider …. – How to build a daily habit of prayer – How to form a relationship with Jesus and Mary – The Biblical foundations of the Rosary – How to meditate with sacred art (visio divina), saint writings, and scripture (lectio divina) – The power of Mary’s influence in your life …and more. —


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