15th Sunday Ordinary Time (PDF)

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Canon Kenneth is returning 13 July (for 12 noon Mass, St. Peter’s).

Upcoming events in our Parishes

Saturday 13 1pm Baptism, St. Peters

Sunday 14 Teas and coffees after the morning Masses in each Parish

Tuesday 16 7pm SSVP meeting St. Peter’s Parish room

Saturday  20 2pm Baptism

Year of Prayer resources: In preparation for the Holy Year of 2025, Pope Francis has dedicated 2024 as a Year of Prayer. I encourage people to take home the `Walking Together In Prayer’ booklet (at the back of Church, created by the Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Glasgow) which offers suggestions for developing your Prayer life.

Woollen Hats Appeal for ‘Stella Maris’ Charity who look after sea men that dock in Leith, Edinburgh. Also men’s shoes Appeal for 25-40 year old asylum seekers.
Please leave hats and shoes in the bag at back of both Churches.

Pro-Life Students – Saturday, 13 July, Gillis Centre. THRIVE is a day of talks and workshops on how to run a thriving pro-life society at University. THRIVE is organised by the Alliance of Pro-Life Students for students aged 18-29 who want to support their pro-life community or society at university or start their own group. 

Register here: for the Edinburgh event.

Summer Retreat – I lift my eyes: Seeking God in the natural world. A complete retreat package with reflections to listen to and other material to read. Can be used during time of retreat or in extended times of daily reflection.  Available 20 June Cost £30 (includes booklet). To book visit: Pick up a postcard at the back of the Church.

St. Peter’s “200 Club” need new members.

They are still short of the 200 members, so please consider joining. The cost is only £12 per annum and you could win one of the monthly prizes of £25 or £15. New member forms are at the back of Church or contact Anne-Marie Douglas (445 4337

Fresh Start—donations please

Fresh Start run a Pantry food store where families in need pay a weekly £3.50 subscription for £10 worth of groceries. It is used weekly by over 200 families in north Edinburgh. As part of your Lenten almsgiving,
please donate non perishable food e.g. tins of meat and fish, porridge oats and pasta, tea and coffee.


Join the Schola Cantorum of St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh, for sacred jazz music, featuring Scottish jazz legend Richard Michael, and Ben Shankland, winner of the BBC Scotland Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2023. The concert takes place at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh, on Monday 12 August at 7:30pm.


Faith-based theatre comes to the Edinburgh Fringe with ‘Gaudí: God’s Architect’. It runs from 19-26 August at Lauriston Halls. The play is from the Archdiocese of Glasgow Arts Project.


Marriage counselling—the Diocese offers counselling with a Catholic Marriage counsellor for anyone in need of couples therapy. Please email in confidence for more information or to arrange a counselling session to or call 07511 928 621.
Please note that counselling fees apply.

Assisted Suicide – Called to Care, Not to Kill

Please contact your MSPs today to stop assisted suicide becoming legal in Scotland. Use the QR code to access an online resource created by the Catholic Parliamentary Office, including guidance on contacting your MSPs on the newsletter.
You can also visit  or email us at for more information.

Mary’s Meals

  • Mary’s Meals, who provide school meals to over 2.4 million children every day, invite you to join their Pray in May campaign. During the month of May, dedicated to Our Lady, we invite you to join us in praying for the hungry children who rely on our life-changing school meals, and for all the children and families around the world who live in poverty.
  • We pray particularly for families facing extreme food insecurity and hunger in Ethiopia. We are hosting a special online session where our founder Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow will share more about this under-reported crisis on Tuesday the 16th of May at 7pm, find out more at Charity events | Mary’s Meals UK (
  • Please visit to access our Pray in May resources and find out more about our Crisis in Ethiopia appeal.


Discover more>>>

Sr Anna MacGuan

Podcasts from Sr Anna


As you can see the income from Sunday Collections has indeed dropped considerably.  In spite of this we still have the upkeep of the church, the presbytery and our parish priest. Therefore you are encouraged to seriously consider giving your offering by Standing Order.

The parish bank details are:

A/C Name: Archdiocese of St Andrew’s and Edinburgh

St  Peter’s Parish

Sort Code   83-06-08  A/C No             10402428

You can arrange a Standing Order online or in your branch.

  • Please contact Anne-Marie Douglas (445 4337) if you require advice or help.