St Peter’s Mass Times

Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • Saturday 11am before 12 noon Mass
  • from 4.30pm before the Vigil Mass.

Preparation for the Sacraments

Sacraments are celebrations of the faith of the Christian community and ideally should be prepared for with the assistance of the community and celebrated in the presence of the community.

Sacrament of Baptism


Reconciliation, Confirmation  and Eucharist

For Reconciliation, Confirmation  and Eucharist, there is the team that assists parents in the  gradual initiation of their children into full communion with the Catholic Church through the Christian Initiation of Children (CIC).

First Confession and First Holy Communion: non-Catholic schools

A preparation course for the Sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion for children attending non-Catholic schools will commence in October after 9.30am on Sundays at St Columba’s Church. Interested parents please contact Sr Karin at [email protected]


Thinking of becoming a Catholic?
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

For adults who wish to know more about the Catholic Faith and be prepared for the  reception of the sacraments of initiation, there is the RCIA team of catechists.

  • Visit out RCIA page.

Sacrament of Marriage

wedding couple

A team of   marriage catechists  collaborate in the preparation of engaged couples.

Weddings by arrangement with the parish priest.

Anointing of the Sick

This sacrament is available for any who are in danger of death by reason of illness or age or who are due to undergo surgery. By arrangement with the parish priest;
0131 447 2502 (preferred)

Holy Orders

Thinking about a vocation? 

If you are thinking of a vocation to the priesthood or religious life please speak to Fr Kevin or contact

Fr Andrew Garden,

Director of Vocations of the Archdiocese

0131 663 4286

[email protected]

or contact

St Mirjam Hugens,

Director for Religious Vocations

0131 623 8902

[email protected]

Please pray for all our seminarians as they prepare to return to seminary.

Priests for Scotland
