
Tony Giovanazzi, one of our parishioners has composed Masses and other music.

Among these are: St Peter’s Mass – composed for the centenary of the parish and published for  the Archdiocese by Forth in Praise.

The Sanctus and the Lamb of God are  currently in use during Mass

Download the music for voice: Sanctus, Lamb St Peter’s Mass (PDF)

Irish Mass

Hebrides Mass

All of these have been officially approved by the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, and have proved popular in parishes as far apart as Bournemouth and Wick.

Among his many settings of Psalms and Responses his setting of the dramatic Palm Sunday Psalm (also published) is an annual feature and is also widely used.

Other settings of traditional texts, with instrumental accompaniment, include:

Panis Angelicus; Hail Mary; Help Me Lord (Domine non sum Dignus);  Ave Verum.

For the annual Remembrance Sunday he has provided a setting of Eternal Rest, for solo voice with simple drumbeat accompaniment.

The lyrics of one hymn, ‘Help me Listen, Help me See’, have been included in the Archdiocesan publication for use in Spiritual Retreats.

Enquiries about full scores of Tony’s music should be made to: [email protected]
