Weekly reflections from
Pray as you go >>>

‘The Pace of Grace’, written for Pray As You Go by Phil Harrison SJ, is all about slowing down and taking time with God.Here’s a look at the introduction to this retreat…

We rush because we think that we will get to our destination faster. Often we only find ourselves running without direction.

Jesus never seems to be in a hurry. He has a lot to do, but he makes time for every person he meets. He invites us to slow down so that we can live unhurried lives and discover the destination he has in mind for us. Take a moment to soften your body, to ease your breathing, to still those racing thoughts…  

The word ‘Lent’ derives from the lengthening of days during spring in the northern hemisphere. It reminds us of the gentle return of the light after winter. It is a time to slow down. It is a time to take a long hard look at our lives.

We can use this season to see things more clearly day-by-day, and perhaps recognise that each moment is a precious gift from God…

Lent Reflection Series – The Sower and the Seed
March 5th – April 16th 2025

£30, £35 with printed booklet

Spring: a season of sowing seeds and watching for green shoots. A time to think about what we plant, what is planted in us and what is the ground of our being.

To shed new light on familiar parables and look for seeds of hope in difficult times, and to consider the Sower, in whose hands new life flourishes.

New material for each week during Lent.

Book here>>>

Ignatian Spirituality Centre

Daily Lent Online Retreat

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22

We will journey through Lent 2025 in the Jubilee Year.  Our Lenten journey this year therefore picks up on the Jubilee theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. The letter issued by Pope Francis on the Feast of the Ascension 2024 to help us begin this pilgrimage is Spes non Confundit, hope does not disappoint.  Hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us” (Rom 5:1-2.5)

Offers daily online or via ISC app :

  • music
  • image 
  • scripture
  • quotation from the writings of Pope Francis

Discover more>>>

Cycle C: Lent 2025

Spring Within Us: A Quiet Day for Lent
Saturday 22nd March, 10.30am-4pm,

St Columba’s by the Castle, 14 Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh,
 Cost £35 (£25 concession) includes lunch

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19

As winter recedes, everything in the natural world starts to grow again. Bulbs produce flowers, trees release new leaves, birds build nests. What about the growth in my life? What hopes am I quietly tending? What new things are being lovingly coaxed into life? This Quiet Day is an invitation to spend some time with the gifts of spring in this Lenten season.

The Retreat Day is designed to stand alone, or to be complementary to, the series of Lent Reflections, The Sower and the Seed.

The day will draw on a mix of reflective approaches and creative material including art, poetry, Scripture, music and writing. Early booking is appreciate. Two free places are available for volunteers who don’t mind giving a little bit of practical help through the day. Please email for more information.

Book here: https://heartinpilgrimage.org.uk/spring-within-us/, or email [email protected]