A series of four Zoom meetings hosted by Canon Kenneth
7pm Thursdays next meeting 20th March.

Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 791 3806 0566  Passcode: 6XYFU4

Weekly reflections from
Pray as you go >>>

‘The Pace of Grace’, written for Pray As You Go by Phil Harrison SJ, is all about slowing down and taking time with God.Here’s a look at the introduction to this retreat…

We rush because we think that we will get to our destination faster. Often we only find ourselves running without direction.

Jesus never seems to be in a hurry. He has a lot to do, but he makes time for every person he meets. He invites us to slow down so that we can live unhurried lives and discover the destination he has in mind for us. Take a moment to soften your body, to ease your breathing, to still those racing thoughts…  

The word ‘Lent’ derives from the lengthening of days during spring in the northern hemisphere. It reminds us of the gentle return of the light after winter. It is a time to slow down. It is a time to take a long hard look at our lives.

We can use this season to see things more clearly day-by-day, and perhaps recognise that each moment is a precious gift from God…

Starting Friday 14 March

Join people from across Scotland to Pray the Stations of the Cross each Monday at 7:45pm on Zoom. Organised by the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland.

After the Stations there will be a short reflection from a great line up of speakers: 

·  ·        17-Mar-25:  Fr Paul Henderson, Assistant Priest at St John & St Nicolas in Broxburn

·        24-Mar-25: John Deighan, CEO of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

·        31-Mar-25:  Fr Greg Murphy, parish priest of St Joseph’s, Dundee

·        07-Apr-25:  Sr Andrea  Fraile of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life

·        14-Apr-25:  Bishop Frank Dougan, Bishop of the Diocese of Galloway


The Edinburgh Seven Hills Pilgrimage is on Saturday 5th April.
The route is around 27km starting and finishes at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral.
This is a good opportunity to offer Lenten penance and pray for the city of Edinburgh.
More details to be confirmed soon, but register your interest now at bit.ly/sevenhillsapril
Event organised by St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh.
More details >>>

Ignatian Spirituality Centre

Daily Lent Online Retreat

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22

We will journey through Lent 2025 in the Jubilee Year.  Our Lenten journey this year therefore picks up on the Jubilee theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. The letter issued by Pope Francis on the Feast of the Ascension 2024 to help us begin this pilgrimage is Spes non Confundit, hope does not disappoint.  Hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us” (Rom 5:1-2.5)

Offers daily online or via ISC app :

  • music
  • image 
  • scripture
  • quotation from the writings of Pope Francis

Discover more>>>

Cycle C: Lent 2025